문서작성을 잘함, 말솜씨가 좋음, 목소리가 좋음, 손이 빠름, 인사성이 좋음, 약속을 잘 지킴, 정리정돈을 잘함, 패션 센스가 뛰어남 |
UN Campaigns and Activities
Korean March First Independence Movement Presentation Contest
Silver Award (Nationwide competition)
- Delivered a presentation on the March First Independence Movement, highlighting its historical and contemporary relevance.
UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: Presentation Competition
Gold Award (APPA, focusing on UN SDGs and Poverty Eradication)
- Presented on global poverty challenges and solutions, advocating for systemic change.
Creative Innovation Idea Contest
Gold Award (Dosan Dream School)
- Awarded for proposing a highly innovative solution to a current global issue.
UN SDGs Campaign
- Participated in an environmental campaign in Guri, South Korea, to raise awareness on sustainable development goals.
UN Science Conference (UN HQ, New York)
- Participated in the 2nd UN Open Science Conference, engaging in discussions on scientific innovations for global development.
High-Level Virtual Event (UNESCO & UN HQ, New York)
- Contributed to a high-level virtual event commemorating the International Day to Protect Education from Attack. |